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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Interview and Applications

Okay, some of you may know, but others may not. I had my first interview for a teaching position in Brandon, MS, which is an outskirt town of Jackson, MS. It was this past Thursday, April 9th. Anyways, it was with Brandon Middle School for a 7th grade pre-algebra position for next year.

Q: What does every interview begin with?
A: an outfit. Yes, I had to find the perfect outfit.

I had orignally wanted to go with a pants suit, but when I started to shop, I changed my mind. Imagine that? It took me three shopping trips to find something! I almost had a panic attack...literally. Very stressful. The first shopping trip on Saturday before the interview, my wonderful husband went with me. He was definetely a tropper that afternoon. He wanted to be helpful, but he said that he didn't really know how to be helpful. I reassured him that I didn't bring him along for help, but that I just wanted to spend time with him. He still tried to convince me to get a sales associate to help us, but I quickly said NO to that. We came home with nothing. Sunday, my mother and I went shopping. She found something to buy in every store we went. Me, on the other hand, still came home with NOTHING! This is when the panic attack almost happened. Never in my life have I not been able to come home with an outfit! So, we (Momma and I) decided to go shopping one more time on Monday. I was determined now! I was not going home empty handed. We had already been to all the nice department stores, so we decided to start at Wal-Mart. There, I found three pairs of pants. I thought to myself, "It figures." So, I bought them. I had bought a pair of sear-sucker looking pants, and I had decided to wear them with a red top and shoes. So, off to Shoe Carnival! That is where I bought a pair of red patent leather peep-toe high heel pumps! I love them! Ironically, the manager at the store is a parent of one of my students, and he helped me pick them out. I already had a red blouse I could where, so we went home. Finally! a successful trip.
Wednesday night we head to Brandon, MS and stayed with our dear friends Will and Ginger Everett. Thursday morning I couldn't eat a thing. I got ready and left for the interview. I left in plenty of time to get there, but I couldn't exactly find the entrance to the school. I ended up driving to Brandon Elementary School, which is attached to the back of Brandon Middle School. The nice secretary told me where to go and park. She told me to park at the church across the street from the school, so I literally ran across the street in my red high heels to the interview.

Lesson learned: ALWAYS go early to an interview.

I still made it on time...barely. I had prayed for peace, and for God to put the answers in my mouth for me. And, of course, He came through. I thought the interview went really well. The principal told me that he would let me know some time after Easter his decision, and he I was his last interview. If it is in God's will I will get offered this job. If not, then another opportunity will arise. In fact, I will be going to a job fair for Hinds County next Saturday, April 18th.
Michael got all dressed up in a blue shirt, kakis, and a tie. He looked very handsome...not that I am partial or anything. He went and turned in all his application to the police departments. He even got to talk to the captian at the Pearl Police Department. So, now all we can do is wait for a phone call. Keep praying and crossing your fingers!

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