Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Full Apartment

The Case apartment was filled up this weekend! Momma, Benny, Luke, Amanda, and Kate all came to visit! I have been looking forward to this weekend for a long time. The only downer was Michael has had to work at the fair every night this weekend. In fact, that is where he is right now, and I am doing my best to stay up until he gets home safe and sound. That is the reason why I am not in bed and blogging at 11:30 at night. Anyways, back to the fabulous weekend. Of course you know I took lots of pictures of our precious niece. I didn't post all of them, but I did some of the them. I just thought her little coat was too cute, and me without make-up was not so cute...so I cropped myself out of the picture.
Kate with her Grammy.

Kate loves to stand...she will be walking before we know it. But she has to learn to crawl first....literally. She has learned to roll though.
You can tell who is the center of attention by this picture. It says it all!

Little Miss is teething, so she is chewing anything that will fit into her mouth and including things that don't fit.

Showing us where her feet are.

Us getting ready to go out on the town. We stopped at Renaissance mall and walked around for a bit. We hit up a few stores including Barnes and Noble of course. Then, onto Cock of the Walk, a family favorite.

All of the crew @ Cock of the walk

Kate loved her some turnip greens and mashed up french fries thanks to her daddy sitting next to her.

We took the family by to see our new house.

Then, we went to Bass Pro Shop. Benny thought he had a gift card in his wallet, but he couldn't find it. We still had fun walking around and looking at the aquarium.
We ate lunch at the restaurant inside the Bass Pro Shop and then heading home, so Benny could watch the Florida State football game.

The red velvet cake I made for Luke's and Benny's birthday. It wasn't the prettiest looking cake, but it was made with lots of love. Everyone said it tasted good, so I will have to trust them. Plus, I got to finally use my cake stand for the first time ever!
Kate is ready to blow out the candles too!

Happy Birthday Luke and Benny!
Luke - Oct. 5th
Benny - Oct. 19th
We will let their ages stay a secret!
Benny reading his birthday cards

Luke unwrapping his present

A MS STATE burger flipper! I was relieved he didn't already have one. Michael did a great job picking this out.
Luke, Amanda, and Kate woke up early to head home. Luke had to fix their well and study for law school. The rest of us headed to church. Momma got to see a lot of her old friends. I finally got to catch up and see Sadie, my old roomie at State! After church, we came home and ate lunch. Then, Momma and Benny flew home, Michael went back to the fair, and I took my midterm on the internet. It was a truly a fabulous weekend.

I will say that I cooked and cleaned up more this weekend than I ever have. I am not complaining, but I do feel accomplished. I baked a cake and pumpkin bread. Let me think of all the food I made. Friday lunch- chicken basil pesto pasta salad. Saturday breakfast-eggs, biscuits, and sausage, dinner- Mexican cornbread, black-eyed peas, green beans, and mashed potatoes Sunday breakfast-strawberry muffins, lunch-crock pot beef stew meal with Sister Shubert rolls and a Caesar salad. Write this event down, because I am not seeing a repeat anytime soon! (but I do love cooking) Michael and I have leftovers for a while!

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