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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Back to the Blog World

Yes, I know it has been over a month since a blogged, but I am back now! April was crazy busy. This is mainly due to me having to do 3 to 4 hours of graduate school work every night after working all day. I am not complaining, because I did it to myself...kind of. I decided to take six hours of graduate school work this semester, after the decision, I found out I was pregnant. Nothing can prepare you for the tiredness you feel during the first trimester of pregnancy. I mean I knew I would be tired, but I did not know 12 hour "naps" were possible until now. Needless to say, not much graduate school work got done during this time. I am not a procrastinator, but nature took over. So, I basically had to complete the majority of my work during the latter part of March and April. Thank goodness for the second trimester and the return of some energy and appetite!
But, all the hard work paid off. I am officially half way through with my master's degree! YEAH!!! I am going to talk nine hours this summer and take the fall semester off, so when baby Case gets here, I will only have 2 classes left. At least this is my plan for now:)
Since I am on the subject of school, I have some congratulations to hand out-
1. Big Brother, Luke- finished his first year of law school!
2. Little Brother-in-Law, Corey-finished his Senior year of high school!
3. My BFF, Emmylou- completed Law School!!! I will also add, she kicked butt in law school! In fact today is her graduation day! I wish I could be there. LOVE YOU EMMYLOU-WHOOO!
Okay, I know Easter was a while ago, but I never blogged about it. My momma and Benny came to visit Easter weekend. It was so good to see them. I got some quality mother-daughter time :) We went shopping for maternity clothes, and yes, we racked up on some deals. Why pay full price when you don't have to?
The pics are from Easter morning before church.
Momma and Benny

Me and my handsome hubby:)

Answer me this....when did my sweet little Colby turn from a little puppy....

to a full grown dog???

This our Colby full grown, but he is still ALL puppy. He doesn't understand the words "no" and "don't jump." We are trying to train him...trying is the key word. He is lucky that he is cute. It is his redeeming feature. We do love him very much too, but he just have sooo much energy. Michael always teases me and says that Colby is MY dog. But, it is so obvious Colby is more attached to Michael. For instance, one Saturday Michael was mowing the front yard. I could hear Colby crying/whimpering in the backyard. Well, I assumed that the loud noise must be hurting his ears (since dogs do have more sensitive ears than us). Well, I open the door for him to come in. The noise did not hurt his ears. He went straight for the window just so he could watch Michael mow! So, whose dogs is he??? The proof is in the picture.

Speaking of mowing....my husband LOVES to mow the yard. In fact, we will water the yard in hopes that the grass will grow quicker, so he can mow again. I posted pictures of our little rose bushes.
They were beautiful! I use "were" because when we had the tornado weather, all the little blossoms got rained off or blew off. They were really nice while they lasted. I was proud of them!
This week was TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! I hope everyone loved on their teachers this week. At our school, we got to wear jeans all week, and they gave us little goodies each day:) Now, I teach 7th graders, so really didn't expect anything from any of my students. Normally at this age they don't want anybody to know that they like their teachers. It would not be "cool."
So, I got a wonderful surprise on Friday morning. One of my sweet little students brought me a precious little gift of baby booties and a hat. Yes, I teared up, because they were so adorable! and yes, I showed them off to everyone:) Can you blame me?
Then, another student brought me this rose! How thoughtful! I also got some really precious cards. What a fabulous way to end teachers appreciation week!
Okay, here are my baby bump pics. I only have two so far. I guess I need to be better about taking them.
I think I am about 13 weeks here.

I am 17 weeks here. We find out Monday, May 17th @ 3:00 whether baby Case is a boy or girl!
I can't wait!

Today, is Nina's birthday, so happy b'day!
I think I am all caught up now!
By the way, Whitney, I agree with Emmylou. I am ready for you to start a blog!

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